Luck and skills go hand in hand when it
comes to online casino . Gamblers have developed a strange set of rituals that they believe will
help them in the long run. From the lucky rabbit’s foot to certain rituals, the
below are the most common superstitions that prevail in the world of gambling.
Unlucky numbers:
In Western culture, Friday the 13th is
seen as a day for misfortune and death. Some airlines won’t have 13th row on
their planes and many building even don’t have a 13th floor. Similarly, on the
casino floor 13 is supposed to bring bad luck. The casinos themselves are very
aware of this superstition, and it is not uncommon for large casinos to miss
out 13 when labelling their floors by jumping straight from 12 to 14.
Crossing Your Legs:
Crossing your fingers is a universal
gesture used to express hope and wishes for good luck, but crossing your legs
while making a bet is just the opposite. The reason for this peculiar action is
not known unless one particularly unlucky gambler lost a fortune while relaxing
at the table. That said, with legs uncrossed, the player is more alert and
focused on the job in hand.
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Counting Your Money at the Table:
This is the most popular gambling
superstitions, stems from the early road gamblers who would never count their
chip stacks until the end of a game. This superstition is based on the wider
belief that pride comes before a fall. Or maybe just someone took Kenny Rogers’
lyrics to heart. Take it away, Kenny.
Using the Front Entrance:
Some gamblers believe that it's unlucky
to enter a casino by the front entrance, as the bad luck of those leaving
(presumably having lost their money) could rub off. This ritual stretches back
to the 1990s among Asian gamblers. Chinese customers had a particular problem
with the old entrance of the MGM Grand that represented a gaping lion’s mouth and,
in their opinion, alluded to being eaten alive.
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$50 bills:
While Chinese customers had a problem
walking through a lion’s mouth, American gamblers have concerns with receiving
$50 bills. The bills have been ascribed an ominous meaning since the times when
much of Las Vegas was under mob rule, with rumours circulating that gangster
put $50 bills in the pockets of their victims before burying them in the
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